Please Note! The SW_B3 file is designed for the K2500 Series. This file will not load completely into a K2000 or K2vx. You will be able to load the samples but you will not be able to get the Setups which are ALL IMPORTANT to this system. SW_B3_02 The Sweetwater_B3 is not just a set of samples, it turns a K2500 into a complete virtual Hammond B3 system with the very same potential for creating millions of sound colors in real time like the actual organ! We have not overlooked even the tiniest of details which make the real thing sound so alive and expressive! The full power of Kurzweil's K2500 V.A.S.T was utilized to make this possible. These samples are from a fully tweaked and customized, vintage year Hammond B3. To get you playing quickly, here is some basic information regarding the SW_B3. This system is designed to be used exclusively in the K2500 Setup Mode. Playing or sequencing from Program Mode is useless, since Programs will not respond correctly (including Velocity) without using the Setup. Hence, the SW_B3 is best used in performance type situations. If using a K2500R, controller routings are detailed below. These Programs require using a "Drum Channel". I recommend setting up your instrument with MIDI Channels 1 through 8 as the Drum Channels (default setting). A K2500X is recommended for best results on Setup #201 B3 Drawbrs w/ Pedal . If using the 76 key K2500, push Octave+ in Setup Mode to put it in range. The SW_B3 is designed to simulate the direct output of a complete Hammond B3 or C3, for hookup to a real Leslie speaker or Leslie simulator. (For a list of all of the effect devices that Sweetwater carries, please see below.) The Setup has a neutral drawbar configuration. Initially, only the Percussion will sound until one or more of the eight Sliders and Mod Wheel is moved (CC#'s 16, 17, 18, 19, 80, 81, 82, 83, 1), but the sound will immediately correspond to the Slider's position. The Mod Wheel will require two moves, the first of which enables that Layer. This was done to both save polyphony, as well as duplicate the real organ's disabling of the high drawbar when percussion is used. However, on this virtual version you can have both enabled if you wish. If you preset the Mod Wheel ON, then it will automatically be activated upon selecting that Setup. Note that the drawbars increment in eight discrete steps, as does the real organ. Also note that slower velocities simulate the B3's separate contacts not all making contact with the busbars at the same time (low to high). Of course, faster velocities tighten it quickly. The Zone 1 Button is used to Enable or Mute the 3rd Percussion. The Zone 2 Button is used to Enable or Mute the 2nd Percussion. (You can have both Enabled.) SW1 is for Loud/Soft Percussion (CC#70). SW2 is for Short/Long Percussion Decay (CC#71). Footswitch #1 (Sustain, CC#64) is for Sostenudo. Note that Percussion always responds correctly to polyphonic legato playing precisely as a real B3. They will only sound if there are no notes already being held. Footswitch 2 (CC#73) Toggles a simulated Leslie. The Expression Pedal (CC#11) works the overall organ volume. Chorus/Vibrato is added via the Small Ribbon. On Setup #201 B3 Drawbrs w/ Pedal, Zone 4 is for authentic Bass Pedal sounds which are in the lower end of the keyboard. These have their own independent drawbar control. The 16' and 8' Bass Pedal drawbars can be instantly changed with just one tap on the Large Ribbon Controller (CC#8, Balance). These settings can be infinitely modified in real time, mid note or phrase, as many players like to do. Users can set and store their own drawbar settings without leaving Setup mode. Drawbar settings are entered on the SLIDER and SLID/2 and WHEEL (MWheel) pages under Ent:. As mentioned before the drawbars increment in eight discrete steps. The numbers correspond as follows: 0=0; 1=16; 2=32; 3=48; 4= 64; 5= 80; 6=96; 7=112; 8=127. Switches and Footswitches are set either ON or OFF (under Ent:). Chorus/Vibrato and Bass Pedal drawbars are set on the RIBBON page (Ent:). Name and store your new Setups. Any B3 sound can be created this way. There are no limitations. No additional samples are ever needed, and no Program edits are ever required (!) in this preset mode, like most synths, the Data Sliders may need to clear (move past) their stored settings before a change is actually produced. Enjoy! Steffen Presley & Daniel Fisher Soundware Engineers Sweetwater Soundware Development Facility Available Leslie Effects Alesis Q2, MidiVerb4, MicroVerb4, NanoVerb, Wedge Boss SX-700 Studio Effects Processor DigiTech RPM-1, Studio Quad V2, Studio 400 Ensoniq DP/2, DP/Pro, DP/4+ Eventide DSP 4000, H3500-dfx Lexicon MPX 1, PCM 80 Motion Sound PRO-3, PRO-3T, R3-147, LOW-PRO Roland VS-880 with optional VS8F-1 Voce Spin, Spin II Contact your Sweetwater Sound Sales Engineer for Availabilty